Yuanzhao Temple, Wutaishan, Shanxi
(August 27, 2012)

(1) One nice thing about Yuanzhao Temple is its spectacular views across the valley. That's Dailuo Ding on the far hill, where I visited a few days ago, and some of the stairs I didn't take down (you may recall I took the horse trail instead).

This place is not on my list, though I had read about it in preparing my trip. To tell the truth, I only wandered in as I passed the gate because my pen had run out, and I really needed to take notes; I was hoping to beg one from the Guest Office. As it turns out, a nice little lady heard me asking, and offered me hers. (Sadly, it too ran out near the end of the day!)

(2) A closer look at Dailuo Ding across the valley, where I had tea with the Abbot.

(3) Flowers in front of Yuanzhao Temple's first hall

(4) More flowers, in front of Yuanzhao Temple's main hall

(5) A great set of arhats across the back of the main hall (an unusual place for them)

(6) Some monks and laymen were standing around this turtle, who usually lives in a small tub in front of the Buddha Hall. This kind of turtle looks creepy with that tail.

(7) One of the monks was sitting in front of the first hall, tossing bits of packaged meat to this dog. (I've seen lots of dogs in Wutai's temples.) Frankly, I don't know who looks happier!

(8) The roof of the Buddha Hall as seen from the trail up to the next temple

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Last Updated August 21, 2019

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