Zhizhe Tayuan, Tiantai, Zhejiang
(September 15, 2011)

(1) On the way back from Gaoming Temple, I knew there was a place called "Zhizhe Tayuan," a compound with a pagoda bearing the remains of Zhiyi, founder of Tiantai Buddhism, who died in front of the Great Buddha in Xinchang. We found it, asked the driver to stop, and climbed up a small hill to the compound. This pagoda sits outside the main courtyard, but I don't think it's his: The only dates I could find were "1200" and "1989." More research to do!

(2) This one, inside the main hall, is a better candidate. It bears a figure of Zhiyi, and is surrounded by plaques memorializing other great teachers. I'll have to research all of them, too.

(3) This shot is a view of Gaoming Temple as seen from the trail back down from the Tayuan. Location, location, location…

At the end of an already-long day, we dropped back into Guoqing Temple (near our hotel) to check out something I had read about since our first visit. You can see the results in the last three pictures this page.

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Tomorrow, we'll head out early and try for the bus to Wenzhou. Otherwise, we may have to travel through Taizhou to get there; we're hoping to hit the last "official" temple tomorrow afternoon, and leave time to see something in Ningbo on Saturday.

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Last Updated August 7, 2019

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